Home Insurance and Protection for Your Belongings

A home insurance policy offers many types of protection for your home and your finances. It protects you against damaging events that may cause repairs to be needed to the house. It also gives you liability protection in case someone ever gets injured there. However, another of the best ways it protects you is by offering protection for your belongings. This is essential to have because of the many things that can happen to them. When you need home insurance, give us a call at Guy Hurley McNeil in Rochester Hills, MI.

Protecting the Items in Your Home

Next to your home, the items inside it likely represent your largest investment. It’s easy to lose track of all you have, but the average home has more than 100,000 items inside it. This can mean that it’s costly to replace even one room of items. If a damaging event happened to your home that ruined your things, most people would have a very difficult time replacing them on their own. That’s one reason that it’s so important to have home insurance.

Preparing for Damaging Events

Often, a damaging event happens to a home, and the home and many of its belongings are ruined or damaged. This can be extremely costly to take care of. There are many types of damaging events, from certain disasters to accidents. You never know when a damaging event may occur. That’s why having your belongings insured with a home insurance policy is so important. You should never be without one as a homeowner.

Securing Home Insurance

If you’re interested in getting a home policy, we’re here to help. Call Guy Hurley McNeil in Rochester Hills, MI, to get started with the coverage you need.

Roadside Assistance and Auto Insurance: Why the Two Go Hand-in-Hand

When cruising the highways of Rochester Hills, MI, peace of mind is as important as the destination. At Guy Hurley McNeil, we understand that life on the road can be unpredictable. We believe in integrating roadside assistance with auto insurance to provide a comprehensive safety net.

The Importance of Roadside Assistance

Imagine you’re on your way to an important meeting, and suddenly, a flat tire halts your journey. It’s scenarios like these where roadside assistance becomes invaluable. From towing services to battery jumps, having a reliable roadside plan ensures that help is just a call away, minimizing disruptions and stress.

How Auto Insurance Complements Roadside Assistance

Auto insurance is your financial safeguard against accidents and damages. But when paired with roadside assistance, it becomes a holistic support system. While insurance handles the big issues like collisions and theft, roadside assistance takes care of the smaller, yet equally inconvenient, hiccups. Together, they ensure you’re never stranded or financially burdened by unexpected car troubles.

Making the Right Choice

Choosing a policy that includes both auto insurance and roadside assistance means considering your driving habits and lifestyle. Are you frequently on the road for work or family trips? If so, this combination could save you time and money, providing reassurance whenever you travel.

At Guy Hurley McNeil, serving the greater Rochester Hills, MI, community, our goal is to keep you safe and secure wherever the road may lead. Reach out to us today to explore our tailored plans, ensuring you have the right protection when you need it most. Drive with confidence, knowing that we’ve got your back.

Choosing Between Comprehensive and Collision Auto Insurance in Rochester Hills, Michigan

In Michigan, liability insurance, or basic auto insurance, is required by law for all drivers. If you’re interested in securing the best possible protection for whenever you’re on the road, understanding how to choose between comprehensive and collision auto insurance is essential. For those living in Rochester Hills, MI, Guy Hurley McNeil is here to help you better understand the distinctions between collision and comprehensive auto insurance plans in Michigan.

Collision Insurance in Michigan

In Michigan, collision insurance provides the following protections and coverage:

  • Single-Vehicle Accidents: Damage from a single-vehicle accident is covered.
  • Vehicle Collisions: In Michigan, collision coverage covers collisions with other vehicles and objects (such as trees or guardrails).

Advantages of collision insurance in Michigan include:

  • High-Value Vehicle Protection: This is ideal for newer vehicles that may be more expensive to repair or find suitable replacement parts for existing damage.
  • Focused Protection: Specific protection for collisions can help you maintain peace of mind whenever you’re involved.

Comprehensive Auto Insurance in Michigan

Comprehensive auto insurance in Michigan offers coverage for the following:

  • Weather-Related Damage: Damage from storms, windstorms, floods, and lightning is covered.
  • Theft: Theft, vandalism, and malicious mischief are covered.
  • Animal Collisions: Collisions with an animal may be covered with a more comprehensive plan.
  • Glass Damage: Windshield damage or glass cracks may be covered.

Advantages of comprehensive auto coverage in Michigan:

  • Broader Protection: Comprehensive insurance expands traditional auto insurance protection to defend against a range of risks that may not even be related to driving.

If you’re living in Michigan and need a new auto insurance plan or policy, Guy Hurley McNeil can help. To learn more about the differences between comprehensive and collision auto insurance in Rochester Hills, MI, contact Guy Hurley McNeil today.

Single-Family Home vs. Townhomes When Looking to Purchase

Determining what type of home works for you and your lifestyle is vital, especially if you want to purchase a new home. Some of the most common dwellings available include single-family homes and townhomes. Both offer very different experiences while still being able to give you the square footage you’re looking for in a home.


When it comes to convenience, you can always expect a townhome to be available and conveniently located in or near the city. For those who deem it necessary to live close to shopping centers and even have a short commute to their jobs in the city, a townhome may be the right option. They are built to save space in neighborhoods in these areas. Single-family homes can be found in these areas, but they are more likely to be built in suburban or rural areas. 


When it comes to privacy, single-family homes are the clear winner. These properties do not share walls with others and even have separate yard space away from your neighbors. For townhomes, they aren’t as private. You share walls with at least one neighbor, and if your home is in a large row, you can share walls and space with neighbors on both sides. This means you have less yard space and more patio area that is easily seen and heard by your neighbors. 

Property Maintenance

Because townhomes share walls and have smaller properties, your property maintenance is less than a single-family home. Townhomes are usually associated with an HOA that will cover these maintenance expenses and are great for those who aren’t going to spend a lot of time at home. Single-family homes put full responsibility on you, as the homeowner, for the structure and the yard. 

If you need home insurance in the Rochester Hills, MI, area, contact our team at Guy Hurley McNeil today for more information. 

Auto Glass and Auto Insurance

Many of us in the Rochester Hills, MI, area have experienced that unsettling sound of a stone hitting our windshield as we travel down the highway. It can take a minute or two to process the event, and then we usually go on an immediate search to see if there was any damage.

At Guy Hurley McNeil, we frequently get calls asking who is responsible if a windshield gets damaged while traveling. The answer is that it will likely fall on you. Here’s why.

Proving fault is difficult.

When a stone or pebble gets kicked up on a freeway, it can be hard to determine what caused it. Even if you see a potentially liable vehicle, it can be challenging to prove blame.

You will likely need to pay your deductible.

While some states have a zero deductible for windshield repair or replacement, Michigan is not one of them. If you incur windshield damage, you will, at the minimum, be responsible for your deductible. In many cases, that deductible will cover the cost of repair or replacement. A claim would not likely result in a monetary reimbursement under normal circumstances.

Would a glass damage claim impact insurance rates?

It is not likely any glass damage claims would increase your auto insurance rates in Michigan. Many glass damage claims remain unreported.

The bottom line.

If you have windshield damage that will cost $700 to repair and you have a $1000 deductible, you will ultimately pay for the full cost of replacement. This is one of the downsides of increasing the deductible to save on monthly car insurance premiums.

Get a quote today.

If you live in the Rochester Hills, MI, area and have questions about car insurance, your specific coverage, or how you may be able to improve your protection, we invite you to contact us at Guy Hurley McNeil. We want you to feel comfortable about your coverage and what you pay. Reach out to us for a free, no-obligation auto insurance review and price quote today.

Surprising Things Covered by Home Insurance

You know your homeowner’s policy protects your investment in your home. However, there are some surprising things you may not know are covered by home insurance. We offer homeowner’s insurance to the metro Detroit area at Guy Hurley McNeil in Rochester Hills, MI. 

Identity Theft

Most homeowner’s policies offer protection from identity theft and online fraud. This has been the standard for about ten years, but most homeowners don’t realize they have this type of coverage. Your policy may cover lost wages, legal expenses, and other expenses associated with identity theft. 

Spoiled Food 

You may know that your homeowner’s policy covers your personal belongings. However, you may not know that this includes the food in your fridge. 

If food becomes spoiled due to a power outage, fire, or other covered event, your policy will pay to restock your fridge and freezer. 

Living Expenses 

Imagine your home is damaged by fire, and you have to live somewhere else until the damage is repaired. If your home is temporarily unlivable or destroyed, your homeowner’s policy will pay for your living expenses until you can get back into it. This includes rent or hotel room and food costs. 

New Door Locks 

You may be aware your homeowner’s policy covers theft and vandalism. If items are stolen, your policy will cover their value. You are also covered if your window or door is broken in a burglary. However, you may not know it also covers new door locks if they are damaged during a break-in. 

Homeowner’s Insurance at Guy Hurley McNeil

If you need a homeowner’s policy or want to upgrade your existing coverage, contact Guy Hurley McNeil in Rochester Hills, MI. Our experienced agents are here to help you select the best policy for your needs. 

Does Your Automotive Policy Require a Coverage Increase?

Car insurance is a critical safeguard that provides financial protection should you be involved in a vehicular accident. Here are some guidelines to help you calculate the amount of coverage you need.

Reflect on Past Incidents

Reviewing past incidents that required out-of-pocket expenditure is an excellent place to begin. If you currently only have liability coverage, for example, you might have been liable for the costs associated with vehicle repairs. Upscaling the type of coverage may cover expenses arising from an accident that is your fault.

Consider Car Value

Take into account the value of your car. Naturally, if your vehicle is expensive, increasing the amount of coverage would be advisable. Make sure to reassess your coverage needs each time you replace or upgrade your vehicle.

Your Net Worth

Calculate your net worth. This is a critical factor to consider when determining the coverage amount. Your policy should not only provide adequate coverage but also comfortably fit within your budget.

Special Circumstances

Consider specific circumstances that may warrant extra insurance coverage. Add-on insurance products offer an additional layer of protection. For instance, an add-on insurance product might be beneficial if you frequently tow other vehicles.

A wide choice of add-on products is available. These insurance features are optional, allowing you to pick what best suits your needs based on your driving patterns.

Consult with Guy Hurley McNeil Insurance

Schedule an appointment with one of our proficient Guy Hurley McNeil insurance agents. An agent serving Rochester Hills, MI, will provide you with a customized automotive insurance policy tailored to your specific needs.

How is high-value insurance different from a regular homeowner’s policy?

Homeowners with luxury homes in or near Rochester Hills, MI, may be eligible for high-value homeowner’s insurance. While some similarities exist with regular homeowner’s insurance, high-value policies also boast unique features. Allow us at Guy Hurley McNeil to illustrate how high-value policies can offer superior protection for your upscale residence and the items you keep inside.

Extensive Coverage and Enhanced Limits

Many high-value insurance policies provide coverage for your dwelling based on replacement costs rather than on an open perils basis. Luxury homeowners often seek coverage for unique items such as artwork and jewelry, which usually require a rider on a regular homeowner’s policy. Additionally, high-value policies afford higher coverage limits for contents, clothing, and the like. Some even cover water backup, identity theft, and landscaping damage. Certain providers specialize in luxury home insurance and offer superior customer service levels.

Determining the Adequate High-Value Coverage for Your Premium Residence

Your high-value home insurance needs primarily depend on your home’s value. High-value policies usually cover homes valued at $750,000 and above, with some companies only insuring homes valued at $1 million and up. However, other factors include your personal property amount and unique circumstances, such as having a private sports court or swimming pool. If you’re a public figure, you might need increased liability coverage. Many luxury homeowners choose an umbrella liability policy to safeguard against such risks. Further, additional living expenses tend to be higher for luxury homeowners if their homes become uninhabitable.

Contact Guy Hurley McNeil to Explore Your Options

Guy Hurley McNeil, helping homeowners in and around Rochester Hills, MI, can help you determine the coverage you need. Contact our office today to set in motion a policy that provides optimal protection for your luxury home.

Insurance for Uber and Lyft Drivers

Navigating Rideshare Insurance

Typical auto insurance policies often fall short of protecting drivers engaged with rideshare companies like Uber and Lyft. At Guy Hurley McNeil agency, we specialize in familiarizing rideshare drivers with policies crafted specifically for their needs.

Considerations for Rideshare Insurance Coverage

Rideshare drivers should contemplate including liability coverage, which covers damages where the driver is at fault, comprehensive and collision insurance that pays for vehicle damages irrespective of fault, and uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage for situations where the other driver lacks adequate insurance.

Risks of Rideshare Driving and Available Coverage

Conventional insurance often does not bridge the gap between personal and commercial auto insurance. Rideshare drivers can fall into perilous coverage gaps. Our specialized policies fill these gaps to ensure unforeseen incidents don’t drain a driver’s finances.

Reach out to Guy Hurley McNeil Today

At Guy Hurley McNeil, we strive to understand individual circumstances to provide options tailored to each driver’s unique situation. Our goal is to equip drivers with the specialized protection and confidence they need. Drivers in Rochester Hills, MI, and neighboring areas can trust our team to tackle specific complexities of Uber and Lyft coverage requirements. Contact us today to stay focused on the road without worry.

Three Types of Auto Insurance Coverage

When you own a vehicle, you are required to have an auto insurance policy for it. It’s never a good idea to try to go without this insurance. This will put you in danger of fines and fees and make you vulnerable to the high cost of accidents. Different kinds of coverage can be included in auto insurance policies. Here are three of the types that policies should have to keep you protected. When you need auto insurance, call us at Guy Hurley McNeil in Rochester Hills, MI, to get started. 

Liability Coverage 

Every auto policy needs to have two types of liability coverage. Both are required in Michigan. Your auto policy should have both property damage and bodily injury liability coverage. Each of these protects against different costs you may be responsible for. When you have property damage liability, this pays for the cost of repairs to the other vehicle involved in the accident. The bodily injury coverage pays for the other party’s medical bills when they are injured in an accident with your vehicle. 

Collision Coverage

When you have collision coverage, it protects you against damage to your own property. When you’re in an accident, this coverage can pay for the repairs you need for your vehicle when you’re at fault for the accident. This is important to have with the high cost of repairs today. 

Comprehensive Coverage

This protects you against the many dangers of your vehicle when it isn’t being driven. Many things can happen to a car; you can protect against them with this type of coverage. 

Get Auto Insurance in Rochester Hills, MI

If you don’t have the needed coverage, now’s the time to get it. Call us at Guy Hurley McNeil in Rochester Hills, MI.