Ways to save money on homeowner’s insurance in Michigan

Many states provide incentives to homeowners through discounts in their insurance for improvements. In most situations, this includes upgrades to windows, roofing, or other structures around the home to make them more safe and durable by using new technology. After these changes are made, the homeowner in Rochester Hills, MI can contact an agent such as Guy Hurley McNeil and receive a credit on their insurance payments and the costs will go down. 

Alarm or security systems are one option that may lower insurance costs. Most policy providers look at the reduced risk of robbery or vandalism from surveillance and security systems as an important upgrade. This is because having to pay out for stolen valuables and property damage can be a huge expense for the insurance company. This can lower insurance costs by up to ten percent annually.  

Upgraded windows are another common source of savings. Many states have some risk of damage caused by wind, hail, or excessive amounts of rain and snow. When a window shatters and water damage occurs inside the house, the associated costs for repairs and replacements can be significant. Many modern stormproof windows are practically bulletproof, making them extremely unlikely to crack, which will create savings over the years. 

The roof is also another constant source of concern for homeowners. Shingles and tiles are subject to exposure to sunlight, rain, snow, and all kinds of weather throughout the year. A roof also needs to be repaired regularly to prevent leaking and other forms of damage inside the house. Roofing can be expensive, but a homeowner can definitely recoup some of the prices through discounts.

For more information about homeowner’s insurance, contact Guy Hurley McNeil. This agent serves Rochester Hills, MI and surrounding areas.